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Pre-construction photos at Ndere Integrated Primary School

Thanks to you, Growing Community Roots raised $39,000 for the students of Ndere Integrated Primary School. Thank you for your generosity!



Ndere Integrated Primary School is located in Kowuor Sub-location, Kanam “A” location, in
Rachuonyo North sub-County in Homabay County.


The school occupies 11 acres of land. It is a public
school with a population of 164 boys and 151 girls. The school has 4 female teachers and 4 male
teachers supported by the National Government, two teachers supported by the County Government

and 4 teachers supported by the community.

The population around the school is 40 homesteads hosting around 180 people. This school project
will impact the lives of more than 600 – a community of students, teachers, staff, and parents. Most of
the community adults are low-income earners who live on less than a dollar a day – them simply

cannot provide the funds that are needed to enhance the school’s infrastrure.


Ndere Integrated Primary School does not have a permanent source of water. It relies on roof
catchments. The school does have a small water tank with a capacity of 400 liters. This water is available during the rainy season and is preserved for drinking.

The school has two dilapidated “Out Houses” called toilet blocks. The boys’ block has 3 doors. The girls’ block has 4 doors without a changing room.
There are no washing stands.

The school does not have a vegetable garden because of shortage of water. It is our hope that with a

proper source of water, we will expand the garden and tree farm. The school requests funding for water tanks, toilets and bathrooms, hand wash stations and fencing
for a vegetable garden. We have a strong management board that will be responsible for the sustenance of the project. They also promise to share the water with the community surrounding the school at a small fee.

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